====== FreshRSS Troubleshooting ====== ==== History ==== The first instance I created stopped updating and refused to work with simple methods suggested on the net. I created a whole new instance on the second day and deleted the persistent dir so I have no data to work with for troubleshooting. The probable cause where the **YouTube RSS feeds** that seem to be producing errors like 404 and 500. ---- ==== Future plans ==== * I will set up a second instance with the YouTube links only to find out if that was the culprit. * The URL I had to use on newsboat was http://freshrss.lan:8080/api/greader.php * The URL for FocusReader is https://rss.lan:8443/api/greader.php using the API pass ---- ==== General Tips ==== * The www.linuxserver.io guys expose the configs and logs on the host mapped folder under config.. * The Github page of the docker image is at https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-freshrss ---- ==== Docker information ==== === 1. See FreshRSS data if you use Docker volume === docker volume inspect freshrss-data sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/freshrss-data/_data/ === 2. See Web server logs === docker logs -f freshrss === 3. Enter inside FreshRSS docker container === docker exec -it freshrss sh === 3_a. See FreshRSS root inside the container === ls /var/www/FreshRSS/ ---- ==== docker run command ==== docker run -d \ --name=freshrss \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e TZ=Europe/Athens \ -p 8080:80 \ -p 8443:443 \ -v ${PWD}/config:/config \ --restart unless-stopped \ ghcr.io/linuxserver/freshrss